日期: 25/01/2024
今天早上,我們來到了Tailor Made Fish Farms,這裏有一個大型的魚菜共生系統。在這裏,我們有幸認識了企業的創辦人,Mr. Nick。他親自向我們詳細解釋了在這個農場內飼養尖吻鱸魚和種植蔬菜的過程。我們不僅學到了農場的運作知識,還更深入地認識環保永續發展的重要性。這真是一個寶貴的學習經驗!
This morning, we came to Tailor Made Fish Farms, which has a large aquaponics system. Here, we are very happy to meet the founder of the company, Mr. Nick. He explained to us in detail the process of raising barramundi and growing vegetables on this farm. Not only did we learn about farm operations, we also gained a deeper understanding of the importance of environmentally friendly and sustainable development. What a valuable learning experience!
午餐時間,我們在Fish Farms內的餐廳享用了炸魚薯條。這些炸魚是現場新鮮製作的,味道特別美味!大家都滿足地填飽了肚子,為下午的活動做好了準備。
At lunch time, we enjoyed fish and chips at the restaurant inside Fish Farms. These fried fish are made on spot using their own fish here . Thus they taste extra ordinary delicious! Everyone had their stomachs filled with satisfaction and got ready for the afternoon activities.
下午,我們前往了Nelson Bay,並乘坐四驅車到達了沙丘中心。在這裡,我們認識了沙丘的生態系統,導師還帶領我們尋找沙丘中的水源,這真是一個有趣的挑戰!最後,我們還加插了刺激的滑沙活動。沿途的風景優美,每個人都被這壯麗景色所吸引,難怪大家都不願意離開!
In the afternoon, we headed to Nelson Bay and took a four-wheel drive to the center of the dunes. Here, we got to know the ecosystem of the dunes, and the instructor also led us to search for water sources in the dunes. This was really an interesting challenge! Finally, we also added exciting sandboarding activities. The scenery along the way is beautiful, and everyone is attracted by this magnificent scenery. No wonder no one wants to leave!